OS X Intel

Any notes on how you created that OS X binary, so that I can reproduce it on my Intel Mac?

I highly recommend using DarwinPorts for the support libraries.

I lost my old Unix-style development on MacOSX page. When it gets recreated, I’ll repost it here. You’ll have to be more specific about problems you’re having.

I was finally able to get to the end of the configure script, but now I get lots of messages about missing includes when I run make:

src/qjackctlMainForm.h:13:22: error: qvariant.h: No such file or directory
src/qjackctlMainForm.h:14:21: error: qwidget.h: No such file or directory
src/qjackctlMainForm.h:15:23: error: qsettings.h: No such file or directory
src/qjackctlMainForm.h:16:22: error: qprocess.h: No such file or directory
src/qjackctlMainForm.h:17:29: error: qsocketnotifier.h: No such file or directory

Here’s what I’ve done so far, let me know if any of it is wrong:

  1. Used fink to install qt3-dev. Fink put it in /sw
  2. I have Jack OS X installed, and the installer put that in /usr/local.
  3. I set QTDIR to /sw and QMAKESPEC to macx-g++ (as recommended on Trolltech’s site).
  4. I tried running configure with both prefixes, and it always finishes, but when I run make I get errors (the same ones, I think) with either one.

I just don’t have enough c++ experience to figure out this sort of thing. What’s my next move? Any luck finding that tutorial page?