Ardour  8.7-15-gadf511264b
Evoral::Event< Time > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Evoral::Event< Time >, including all inherited members.

_bufEvoral::Event< Time >protected
_idEvoral::Event< Time >protected
_owns_bufEvoral::Event< Time >protected
_sizeEvoral::Event< Time >protected
_timeEvoral::Event< Time >protected
_typeEvoral::Event< Time >protected
assign(const Event &other)Evoral::Event< Time >
buffer() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
buffer()Evoral::Event< Time >inline
cc_number() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
cc_value() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
channel() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
channel_pressure() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
clear()Evoral::Event< Time >inline
Event(EventType type=NO_EVENT, Time time=Time(), uint32_t size=0, uint8_t *buf=NULL, bool alloc=false)Evoral::Event< Time >
Event(EventType type, Time time, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *buf)Evoral::Event< Time >
Event(const Event &copy, bool alloc)Evoral::Event< Time >
event_type() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
id() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_cc() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_channel_event() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_channel_pressure() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_live_midi() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_midi() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_mtc_full() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_mtc_quarter() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_note() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_note_off() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_note_on() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_pgm_change() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_pitch_bender() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_poly_pressure() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_smf_meta_event() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_spp() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
is_sysex() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
note() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
operator!=(const Event &other) constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
operator==(const Event &other) constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
owns_buffer() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
pgm_number() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
pitch_bender_lsb() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
pitch_bender_msb() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
pitch_bender_value() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
poly_note() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
poly_pressure() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
realloc(uint32_t size)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
scale_velocity(float factor)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, Time t)Evoral::Event< Time >
set_buffer(uint32_t size, uint8_t *buf, bool own)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_cc_number(uint8_t num)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_cc_value(uint8_t val)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_channel(uint8_t channel)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_event_type(EventType t)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_id(event_id_t n)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_note(uint8_t num)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_pgm_number(uint8_t num)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_time(Time t)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_type(uint8_t type)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
set_velocity(uint8_t val)Evoral::Event< Time >inline
size() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
time() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
type() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
value() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
velocity() constEvoral::Event< Time >inline
~Event()Evoral::Event< Time >