Ardour  9.0-pre0-844-g046623df59
Evoral::Note< Time > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Evoral::Note< Time >, including all inherited members.

_off_eventEvoral::Note< Time >private
_on_eventEvoral::Note< Time >private
channel() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
clamp(int val, int low, int high)Evoral::Note< Time >inlineprivate
end_time() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
id() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
length() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
Note(uint8_t chan=0, Time time=Time(), Time len=Time(), uint8_t note=0, uint8_t vel=0x40)Evoral::Note< Time >
Note(const Note< Time > &copy)Evoral::Note< Time >
note() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
off_event()Evoral::Note< Time >inline
off_event() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
off_velocity() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
on_event()Evoral::Note< Time >inline
on_event() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
operator=(const Note< Time > &copy)Evoral::Note< Time >private
operator==(const Note< Time > &other)Evoral::Note< Time >inline
set_channel(uint8_t c)Evoral::Note< Time >inline
set_id(event_id_t)Evoral::Note< Time >
set_length(Time l)Evoral::Note< Time >inline
set_note(uint8_t n)Evoral::Note< Time >inline
set_off_velocity(uint8_t n)Evoral::Note< Time >inline
set_time(Time t)Evoral::Note< Time >inline
set_velocity(uint8_t n)Evoral::Note< Time >inline
time() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
velocity() constEvoral::Note< Time >inline
~Note()Evoral::Note< Time >