What libraries, folder paths etc, req'd for LV2 Support?


When Ardour 2.5 comes out I’d like to build it with VST, FREESOUND and LV2 support, there are some promising developments going on with LV2. There isn’t much specific documentation about it though and virtually none pertaining to Ardour. Can anyone tell me what LV2 development libraries are needed? And will Ardour look along a similar folder path ie /usr/local/lib/??? for the plug-ins.

I would be happy to test the Lv2 functionality and report back to users on the different plug-ins, I just need a little help to get started in the right direction. Any help and insight appreciated!


For Ubuntu Gutsy/Feisty users I found this site, it’s a goldmine! He even builds SVN Ardours!

It seems to have the slv2 libraries and -dev package, When Ardour 2.5 comes out I will see if these are the necessary libs to compile LV2 and post back.

If there are any others using LV2 could you please reply with any info regarding it.