Sync With Jack/Internal Toggle

If it is possible, it’d be so nice to have a toggle button on the transport bar that switches between internal control and sync with jack. For instance if I record a drum track in from hydrogen, and i wanna listen to the levels it recorded at in ardour, i have to either go to the menu and switch off sync, or flick to hydrogen use the toggle button on it’s transport, and flick back to ardour. This would be a great time saver for people like me who use softsynths and software midi a whole heap.

Andy J =)

there will be a beta release in the next few days, but a few substantive issues have appeared that may delay this.

Great news! I haven’t had the luxury of trying out ardour2…being a gentooer and all. I will have to wait till it is stable and in 64bit before I can use it, looks like that might be a while away =) That’s okay though, 0.99.2 is good for the moment.

Andy J