Routing send-bus


Here is my problem :

I don’t get any signal in a bus after opening a send on an audiotrack.

I open a send 1 on an audio track, then specify in the pop up Ardour send 1 :
Out 1= ardour:bus 1/in 1, Out 2= ardour:bus 1/in 2

then i create a bus 1 and specify in the pop up menu Bus inputs :
In 1 = ardour:send1/out1, In 2 = ardour:send1/out2.

I can’t get a signal in the bus (the meter are not moving).

What do i wrong ?

Thanks in advance for your attention

is the send active? if not, its name will be parentheses: (send2)
activate it like a plugin (middle click).

OK thank you very much !
