Mixbus and ArdourXchange - don't miss the boat !

In case you’re a Mixbus user visiting this forum, you might not have seen the recent news announcement about ArdourXchange and Mixbus:-


To cut a long story short, for a limited period only (basically, during July) you can add ArdourXchange to Mixbus for only $20. I know that not everyone who visits the forum remembers to check out the news items - hence this rather blatant advert…!

Currently we still have a few weeks left until the end of July, so plenty of time for you to download the demo version and evaluate AxC for yourself.

Many of you will know already that the long term aim (once there’s been enough sales and/or sponsorship) is to release ArdourXchange as an open source addition to Ardour. It has to be said though, that sponsorship has been more than a little disappointing - but sales to date are around 260 (about one third of the way to kickstarting the conversion from closed source to open source).

So if you’d like to see open source compatibility with Avid / Pro Tools et al, now’s your opportunity to join the party!!


Overnight I’ve received an email from someone who purchased AxC last week… then only realised later that his OTHER workstation doesn’t support AAF export…! :frowning:

The discount offer will be available throughout July, so there’s no need to panic buy. Try out the evaluation version first:-


Also, make sure you’re using an Intel based Mac and an up-to-date version of Mixbus, since the AxC support modules were only added a couple of months ago. Anything from release 2.8.8 onwards should be suitable.

Guys, I recently installed and I hesitently started to use Ardour this week end - I am withdrawing from Acid and Logic. In my previous life I was a professional musician and then worked as a software engineer at Bell Labs (C++ and Java) and I really appreciate what you are doing. I will continue to contribute (money) in small amounts to your effort every 6 months. Any help with moving my projects into Ardour will be appreciated (multiple tracks per song which are saved in .wav or aiff/.mp3 formats) is appreciated. I will read up on MixBus - ArdourXchange shortly.

Regards, Kariym Kariym

Thanks for the vote of confidence guys!

Kariym - I’m not familiar with Acid but I do know that Logic Pro will only export non-embedded AAFs whereas AxC requires embedded (embedded AAFs are always preferable when transferring projects between different systems). For anyone who’s still interested though, the $20 offer was renewed during September after it became clear that not all Mixbus users had been made aware of the original offer in July. You’ll need to act quickly though (because the $20 offer definitely won’t be getting repeated) but there’s been a very high satisfaction rate among AxC users (only 1 dissatisfied customer out of around 280 sales - and even that wasn’t AxC’s fault!!)

I must repeat though - only a few days left to go !!

[Edit…] P.S. don’t forget it’s Intel only !

Hi all, just wanted to post an update about my issue. I sent and received a number of emails back and forth from John who was very helpful in trying to assist me get ardourXchange working on my system (running OSX 10.5 and Mixbus 1.2). After trying a heap of things, we still couldn’t get it working, but put it down to being an OS issue. I recently finished the major project I’d been working on, so finally got around to upgrading my system (to Snow Leopard 10.6.4 and Mixbus 1.3) and today having re-tried ardourXchange I can confirm it is working perfectly as described with aaf’s and creating Mixbus 1.3 compatible files. Anyone looking for this functionality should consider using this app- It functions perfectly with the files I’ve used with it so far, and above all, comes with great support. Thanks again John!


Hi, I bought ardourXchange last week to use with MixBus on OSX and am only now getting to testing it. I downloaded the link from the email I received and tried following the instructions using an audio only embedded aaf from Avid. Every time I clicked ‘OPEN’ on the aaf after doing the step- “Immediately after launching Ardour (but before opening any sessions) use “Open Session->Browse” to navigate to your chosen folder” - MixBus would just crash. I downloaded the demo aaf from the link provided in the item on the Ardour news page and got the same results- MixBus just crashes after clicking open.

Thought I’d post to ask- above you’ve mentioned version 2.8.8 onwards of Mixbus? As far as I know the latest version of MixBus is 1.2? Does the plugin not actually work with MixBus (but rather Ardour on OSX)?

I’ve also sent an email to support. Hoping I’m just missing something. Any help you can provide would be welcome. Cheers.

Hi Mark. If you’re the Mark D I’m thinking of, I did get a confirmation of purchase but I can’t find any subsequent email from you. I’m guessing you must have sent it to Harrison (although from the problem you’ve described, that’s probably where it should end up). Anyway, send it to me and I’ll make sure it gets to the right person:-

john [at] creativepost [dot] co [dot] uk

P.S. Just to clarify - AxC works with (Intel) Mixbus and also with Trinity’s Indamixx but not with regular Ardour.