Multiple solo and/or mute buttons

Hi all

The mute button cuts off the sound for the (all the) destination(s) the bus is connected. The solo button cuts the others ( from the destination point of view.

That is a little bit tricky when more than one destination is selected.

Is there a way to tell on which one they will be active or to get one button by destination



Right click on the SOLO or MUTE buttons. This will likely answer your question.


Excuse me I didn’t really follow you. If I right click on the solo or mute buttons, I have a solo lock option, and I have options to pre post to tell where to mute.

  1. I don’t have the choice to mute this or that destination if the output ( on the bottom ) is connected to many destinations

  2. the solo, of course mutes the others, but it mutes all the other buses. If I solo a track, it mutes the other tracks ( I even set the options to get in light yellow the mutes due to a solo ). I would like also to customize that.


Part 1 is better accomplished by Sends and then bypass or activate the sends, just make them the last things in the Post-Fader List.

Part 2 is a problem in A2, and is already been addressed in A3 which is not yet released obviously if I understand you correctly.
