create wav soundfile from region

My aim is to create a small, but locate-able sound file, consisting of a singular pulse, taken from a slightly larger soundfile.
The methods explained in the manual are bounce and export. on having selected my micro-region, I apple-clicked, which gives me a huge set of options. the ‘bounce’ didn’t do anything I far as I could see, so I must have been going down the wrong track. after having clicked on export, i was given the option to rename my micro-region, which I did “OnePulse.wav”. As soon as I had closed Ardour up, I couldn’t find my “OnePulse.wav” for use in other programs (ie Super Collider -the Buffers of which only want to read aiff & wav, and (I think) wouldn’t understand a TOC sound-file).
So, how can I make my exported .wav file available for further action?
many thanks in advance!

what version of ardour are you using?

Ardour: 0.99.3
built with ardour/gtk 1.4.1 libardour: 0.908.2

Sorry for the bother, it started working as it should; a friend told me to turn everything off I had running at the same time.

cheers! and…