Better colours/skins?

I like the idea.
Would it be possible to customize the colors? Because it looks depressingly CUBASish.

90% of all colors are defined in a file that ardour loads when it starts up. Editing this file to give a completely new look is a depressingly long-winded task, taking many many hours of tweaking. We hope to rationalize all of this during the next several months.

Yeah, it would be nice if you could have a choice (through the GUI perhaps?) that gave you the choice of using the ardour defined style, or the user defined GTK style. Means perhaps less work for the ardour crew? I know there’s some issue about having some of the widgets behaving differently, which doesn’t happen if you remove the ardour gtk2 rc file, but maybe the widget specific stuff can be placed in a seperate file which is used only when user defined styles are used over ardour styles? That way, we’d still have the flashing record button, etc.