Edit groups

Testing edit groups today and it does not seem to quite work on splits. Say I have 3 tracks on an edit group. I wanted to place the red position marker and split all 3 channels. With the edit group active I press s but nothing happens. If I go on a track and press ‘s’ then a split is made at the mouse pointer not the song position marker.

Am I doing something wrong here?



Thanks for the feedback, I will try the methods you describe. To me it seems natural that in a DAW environment split and duplicate are basic operations similar to cut/copy/paste, if you can have these working in the scope of edit groups the work flow would be more natural. I have seen pro tools handle edit groups with such ease and it is valuable when working with drums for example.

BTW there seem to be issues with copy/paste at the moment and managed to crash ardour trying out these operations. I will go through these operations and document what happens in trac.


what’s missing here, as ben noted, is that selecting a track doesn’t select any regions in the track.

what is supposed to happen is this: if you enable an edit group, then select a region, all equivalent regions in the other tracks of the edit group will be selected. you can then use “s” to split them.

there are two problems:

  1. if you just select a track then use “s” nothing will happen because no regions are selected.

  2. propagating the selection of a region across the edit group doesn’t happen unless the group’s tracks are already selected

you can expect this “glitch” in the workflow to be fixed in the next couple of days.


That’s great. I am planning to demo Ardour to our producer who owns and runs a studio with a largish pro-tools rig with a neve vr desk here in Malta. I am pretty sure that he will be impressed!


Splitting via S does the split on the mouse cursor position. There’s also a split in the context menu for splitting at the edit cursor position (blue line, can be moved with E), AFAIR.
BTW, the ‘red position marker’ is known as the playhead and can be placed with P.

Edit groups only serve to “highlight” all the tracks in a group when you select one of the tracks. This facilitates multitrack cut/copy/paste operations. It does not allow splitting regions across the group.

However there are still (at least) four fast ways to accomplish a multi-track “split”.

Ese a “rubber band select” (i.e. click and drag a box around the regions you want to split), then point at one of the selected regions and press the “s” key.

Use the “e” key to place the edit cursor where you want to do the split. Set the snap to “edit cursor”. Then point the mouse at a region and press “s”. The split will happen at the edit cursor no matter where you click in the region. (you can also do this with location markers instead of the edit head)

Use “r” to select the range tool (or click the range tool button). Click and drag across the range that you would like to split. Now select the track you want to have the range selected on (if you have edit groups turned on, this will select all the tracks in the edit groups). Now right-click in the region and choose “Separate range to track”. This will split any regions inside the range at the start and end point of the range.

If you want to split the regions of ALL tracks simultaneously, you can make a pair of range markers in the range timeline, then right click one of them and select “Separate regions in range”.

There has been discussion on IRC about how selecting a track should select all the regions in the track. If this were implemented then it would allow edit groups to facilitate splitting regions.

-Ben Loftis

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I apologize if is a proper user, but looks like a bug.

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