Ardour  9.0-pre0-1029-g1f27dc81f9
ARDOUR::AudioFileSource Class Referenceabstract

#include <audiofilesource.h>

Inheritance diagram for ARDOUR::AudioFileSource:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~AudioFileSource ()
std::string construct_peak_filepath (const std::string &audio_path, const bool in_session=false, const bool old_peak_name=false) const
bool safe_file_extension (const std::string &path) const
virtual samplepos_t last_capture_start_sample () const
virtual void mark_capture_start (samplepos_t)
virtual void mark_capture_end ()
virtual void clear_capture_marks ()
virtual bool one_of_several_channels () const
virtual void flush ()=0
virtual int update_header (samplepos_t when, struct tm &, time_t)=0
virtual int flush_header ()=0
void mark_streaming_write_completed (const WriterLock &lock, Temporal::timecnt_t const &duration)
int setup_peakfile ()
void set_gain (float g, bool temporarily=false)
XMLNodeget_state () const
int set_state (const XMLNode &, int version)
bool can_truncate_peaks () const
bool can_be_analysed () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::AudioSource
 AudioSource (Session &, const std::string &name)
 AudioSource (Session &, const XMLNode &)
virtual ~AudioSource ()
samplecnt_t readable_length_samples () const
virtual uint32_t n_channels () const
void update_length (timepos_t const &dur)
virtual samplecnt_t available_peaks (double zoom) const
virtual samplecnt_t read (Sample *dst, samplepos_t start, samplecnt_t cnt, int channel=0) const
virtual samplecnt_t write (Sample const *src, samplecnt_t cnt)
virtual float sample_rate () const =0
int read_peaks (PeakData *peaks, samplecnt_t npeaks, samplepos_t start, samplecnt_t cnt, double samples_per_visual_peak) const
int build_peaks ()
bool peaks_ready (std::function< void()> callWhenReady, PBD::ScopedConnection **connection_created_if_not_ready, PBD::EventLoop *event_loop) const
XMLNodeget_state () const
int set_state (const XMLNode &, int version)
int rename_peakfile (std::string newpath)
void touch_peakfile ()
int close_peakfile ()
int prepare_for_peakfile_writes ()
void done_with_peakfile_writes (bool done=true)
virtual bool clamped_at_unity () const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Source
 Source (Session &, DataType type, const std::string &name, Flag flags=Flag(0))
 Source (Session &, const XMLNode &)
virtual ~Source ()
DataType type ()
time_t timestamp () const
void stamp (time_t when)
virtual timepos_t length () const
virtual bool empty () const
void set_take_id (std::string id)
const std::string & take_id () const
void mark_for_remove ()
virtual void mark_streaming_write_started (const WriterLock &lock)
virtual void session_saved ()
XMLNodeget_state () const
int set_state (XMLNode const &, int version)
bool writable () const
virtual bool length_mutable () const
bool has_been_analysed () const
virtual void set_been_analysed (bool yn)
virtual bool check_for_analysis_data_on_disk ()
std::string get_transients_path () const
int load_transients (const std::string &)
size_t n_captured_xruns () const
XrunPositions const & captured_xruns () const
void set_captured_xruns (XrunPositions const &xruns)
void set_captured_marks (CueMarkers const &marks)
CueMarkers const & cue_markers () const
bool add_cue_marker (CueMarker const &)
bool move_cue_marker (CueMarker const &, timepos_t const &source_relative_position)
bool remove_cue_marker (CueMarker const &)
bool rename_cue_marker (CueMarker &, std::string const &)
bool clear_cue_markers ()
virtual timepos_t natural_position () const
virtual void set_natural_position (timepos_t const &pos)
bool have_natural_position () const
timecnt_t time_since_capture_start (timepos_t const &pos)
void set_allow_remove_if_empty (bool yn)
Glib::Threads::RWLock & mutex ()
Flag flags () const
virtual void inc_use_count ()
virtual void dec_use_count ()
int use_count () const
bool used () const
uint32_t level () const
std::string ancestor_name ()
void set_ancestor_name (const std::string &name)
void set_captured_for (std::string str)
std::string captured_for () const
bool get_segment_descriptor (TimelineRange const &, SegmentDescriptor &)
int set_segment_descriptor (SegmentDescriptor const &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionObject
 SessionObject (Session &session, const std::string &name)
Sessionsession () const
std::string name () const
virtual bool set_name (const std::string &str)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionHandleRef
 SessionHandleRef (ARDOUR::Session &s)
virtual ~SessionHandleRef ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::ScopedConnectionList
 ScopedConnectionList ()
 ScopedConnectionList (const ScopedConnectionList &)=delete
ScopedConnectionListoperator= (const ScopedConnectionList &)=delete
virtual ~ScopedConnectionList ()
void add_connection (const UnscopedConnection &c)
void drop_connections ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::Stateful
 Stateful ()
virtual ~Stateful ()
virtual bool apply_change (PropertyBase const &)
PropertyChange apply_changes (PropertyList const &)
const OwnedPropertyListproperties () const
void add_property (PropertyBase &s)
void add_extra_xml (XMLNode &)
XMLNodeextra_xml (const std::string &str, bool add_if_missing=false)
void save_extra_xml (const XMLNode &)
const PBD::IDid () const
bool set_id (const XMLNode &)
void set_id (const std::string &)
void reset_id ()
void clear_changes ()
virtual void clear_owned_changes ()
PropertyListget_changes_as_properties (PBD::Command *) const
virtual void rdiff (std::vector< PBD::Command * > &) const
bool changed () const
virtual PropertyListproperty_factory (const XMLNode &) const
virtual void suspend_property_changes ()
virtual void resume_property_changes ()
bool property_changes_suspended () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::Destructible
virtual ~Destructible ()
virtual void drop_references ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::AudioReadable
virtual ~AudioReadable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::FileSource
virtual ~FileSource ()
const std::string & path () const
int move_to_trash (const std::string &trash_dir_name)
void mark_take (const std::string &id)
void mark_immutable ()
void mark_immutable_except_write ()
void mark_nonremovable ()
bool within_session () const
uint16_t channel () const
float gain () const
virtual void set_channel (uint16_t c)
int set_state (const XMLNode &, int version)
int set_source_name (const std::string &newname)
bool removable () const
bool is_stub () const
const std::string & origin () const
void set_origin (std::string const &o)
virtual void set_path (const std::string &)
void replace_file (const std::string &)
void existence_check ()
virtual void prevent_deletion ()
int rename (const std::string &name)
virtual void close ()=0

Static Public Member Functions

static bool get_soundfile_info (const std::string &path, SoundFileInfo &_info, std::string &error)
static bool safe_audio_file_extension (const std::string &path)
static bool is_empty (Session &, std::string path)
static void set_bwf_serial_number (int)
static void set_header_position_offset (samplecnt_t offset)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::AudioSource
static void set_build_missing_peakfiles (bool yn)
static void set_build_peakfiles (bool yn)
static bool get_build_peakfiles ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionObject
static void make_property_quarks ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::AudioReadable
static std::vector< std::shared_ptr< AudioReadable > > load (Session &, std::string const &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::FileSource
static bool find (Session &, DataType type, const std::string &path, bool must_exist, bool &is_new, uint16_t &chan, std::string &found_path)
static bool find_2X (Session &, DataType type, const std::string &path, bool must_exist, bool &is_new, uint16_t &chan, std::string &found_path)

Static Public Attributes

static PBD::Signal< void()> HeaderPositionOffsetChanged
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Source
static PBD::Signal< void(Source *)> SourceCreated
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
static int current_state_version
static int loading_state_version
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::FileSource
static PBD::Signal< int(std::string, std::vector< std::string >)> AmbiguousFileName

Protected Member Functions

 AudioFileSource (Session &, const std::string &path, Source::Flag flags)
 AudioFileSource (Session &, const std::string &path, const std::string &origin, Source::Flag flags, SampleFormat samp_format, HeaderFormat hdr_format)
 AudioFileSource (Session &, const XMLNode &, bool must_exist=true)
 AudioFileSource (Session &, const std::string &path, Source::Flag flags, bool)
int init (const std::string &idstr, bool must_exist)
virtual void set_header_natural_position ()=0
virtual void handle_header_position_change ()
int move_dependents_to_trash ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::AudioSource
int initialize_peakfile (const std::string &path, const bool in_session=false)
int build_peaks_from_scratch ()
int compute_and_write_peaks (Sample const *buf, samplecnt_t first_sample, samplecnt_t cnt, bool force, bool intermediate_peaks_ready_signal)
void truncate_peakfile ()
virtual samplecnt_t read_unlocked (Sample *dst, samplepos_t start, samplecnt_t cnt) const =0
virtual samplecnt_t write_unlocked (Sample const *dst, samplecnt_t cnt)=0
virtual int read_peaks_with_fpp (PeakData *peaks, samplecnt_t npeaks, samplepos_t start, samplecnt_t cnt, double samples_per_visual_peak, samplecnt_t fpp) const
int compute_and_write_peaks (Sample const *buf, samplecnt_t first_sample, samplecnt_t cnt, bool force, bool intermediate_peaks_ready_signal, samplecnt_t samples_per_peak)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionHandleRef
virtual void session_going_away ()
virtual void insanity_check ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PBD::Stateful
void add_instant_xml (XMLNode &, const std::string &directory_path)
XMLNodeinstant_xml (const std::string &str, const std::string &directory_path)
void add_properties (XMLNode &) const
PropertyChange set_values (XMLNode const &)
virtual void post_set (const PropertyChange &)
virtual void send_change (const PropertyChange &)
virtual void mid_thaw (const PropertyChange &)
bool regenerate_xml_or_string_ids () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::FileSource
 FileSource (Session &session, DataType type, const std::string &path, const std::string &origin, Source::Flag flags=Source::Flag(0))
 FileSource (Session &session, const XMLNode &node, bool must_exist)
void set_within_session_from_path (const std::string &)

Static Protected Member Functions

static Sampleget_interleave_buffer (samplecnt_t size)

Static Protected Attributes

static char bwf_country_code [3]
static char bwf_organization_code [4]
static char bwf_serial_number [13]
static samplecnt_t header_position_offset
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::AudioSource
static bool _build_missing_peakfiles
static bool _build_peakfiles
static std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Sample[]> > _mixdown_buffers
static std::vector< std::shared_ptr< gain_t[]> > _gain_buffers
static Glib::Threads::Mutex _level_buffer_lock

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ARDOUR::Source
enum  Flag {
  Writable = 0x1 , CanRename = 0x2 , Broadcast = 0x4 , Removable = 0x8 ,
  RemovableIfEmpty = 0x10 , RemoveAtDestroy = 0x20 , NoPeakFile = 0x40 , Destructive = 0x80 ,
  Empty = 0x100 , RF64_RIFF = 0x200 , Missing = 0x400
typedef Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock ReaderLock
typedef Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock WriterLock
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::AudioSource
PBD::Signal< void()> PeaksReady
PBD::Signal< void(samplepos_t, samplepos_t)> PeakRangeReady
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Source
PBD::Signal< void()> AnalysisChanged
AnalysisFeatureList transients
PBD::Signal< void()> CueMarkersChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
PBD::Signal< void(const PropertyChange &)> PropertyChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Destructible
PBD::Signal< void()> Destroyed
PBD::Signal< void()> DropReferences
- Protected Types inherited from ARDOUR::Source
typedef std::vector< SegmentDescriptorSegmentDescriptors
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::AudioSource
std::string _peakpath
off_t _peak_byte_max
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Source
DataType _type
Flag _flags
time_t _timestamp
std::string _take_id
timepos_t _natural_position
bool _have_natural_position
bool _analysed
std::atomic< int > _use_count
uint32_t _level
std::string _ancestor_name
std::string _captured_for
timepos_t _length
XrunPositions _xruns
CueMarkers _cue_markers
SegmentDescriptors segment_descriptors
Glib::Threads::RWLock _lock
Glib::Threads::Mutex _analysis_lock
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::SessionObject
PBD::Property< std::string > _name
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::SessionHandleRef
- Protected Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
PBD::PropertyChange _pending_changed
Glib::Threads::Mutex _lock
std::string _xml_node_name
 name of node to use for this object in XML More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::FileSource
std::string _path
bool _file_is_new
uint16_t _channel
bool _within_session
std::string _origin
float _gain

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file audiofilesource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~AudioFileSource()

virtual ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::~AudioFileSource ( )

◆ AudioFileSource() [1/4]

ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::AudioFileSource ( Session ,
const std::string &  path,
Source::Flag  flags 

Constructor to be called for existing external-to-session files

◆ AudioFileSource() [2/4]

ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::AudioFileSource ( Session ,
const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  origin,
Source::Flag  flags,
SampleFormat  samp_format,
HeaderFormat  hdr_format 

Constructor to be called for new in-session files

◆ AudioFileSource() [3/4]

ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::AudioFileSource ( Session ,
const XMLNode ,
bool  must_exist = true 

Constructor to be called for existing in-session files

◆ AudioFileSource() [4/4]

ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::AudioFileSource ( Session ,
const std::string &  path,
Source::Flag  flags,

Constructor to be called for crash recovery. Final argument is not used but exists to differentiate from the external-to-session constructor above.

Member Function Documentation

◆ can_be_analysed()

bool ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::can_be_analysed ( ) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::Source.

Reimplemented in ARDOUR::SrcFileSource, and ARDOUR::SilentFileSource.

Definition at line 72 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ can_truncate_peaks()

bool ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::can_truncate_peaks ( ) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioSource.

Definition at line 71 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ clear_capture_marks()

virtual void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::clear_capture_marks ( )

Definition at line 56 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ construct_peak_filepath()

std::string ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::construct_peak_filepath ( const std::string &  audio_path,
const bool  in_session = false,
const bool  old_peak_name = false 
) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioSource.

◆ flush()

virtual void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::flush ( )
pure virtual

◆ flush_header()

virtual int ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::flush_header ( )
pure virtual

◆ get_interleave_buffer()

static Sample* ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::get_interleave_buffer ( samplecnt_t  size)

◆ get_soundfile_info()

static bool ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::get_soundfile_info ( const std::string &  path,
SoundFileInfo _info,
std::string &  error 

◆ get_state()

XMLNode& ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::get_state ( ) const

Implements PBD::Stateful.

◆ handle_header_position_change()

virtual void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::handle_header_position_change ( )

Definition at line 103 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ init()

int ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::init ( const std::string &  idstr,
bool  must_exist 

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::FileSource.

◆ is_empty()

static bool ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::is_empty ( Session ,
std::string  path 

◆ last_capture_start_sample()

virtual samplepos_t ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::last_capture_start_sample ( ) const

Definition at line 53 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ mark_capture_end()

virtual void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::mark_capture_end ( )

Definition at line 55 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ mark_capture_start()

virtual void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::mark_capture_start ( samplepos_t  )

Definition at line 54 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ mark_streaming_write_completed()

void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::mark_streaming_write_completed ( const WriterLock lock,
Temporal::timecnt_t const &  duration 

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioSource.

◆ move_dependents_to_trash()

int ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::move_dependents_to_trash ( )

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::FileSource.

◆ one_of_several_channels()

virtual bool ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::one_of_several_channels ( ) const

Reimplemented in ARDOUR::SndFileSource.

Definition at line 57 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ safe_audio_file_extension()

static bool ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::safe_audio_file_extension ( const std::string &  path)

◆ safe_file_extension()

bool ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::safe_file_extension ( const std::string &  path) const

Implements ARDOUR::FileSource.

Definition at line 49 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ set_bwf_serial_number()

static void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::set_bwf_serial_number ( int  )

◆ set_gain()

void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::set_gain ( float  g,
bool  temporarily = false 

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::FileSource.

◆ set_header_natural_position()

virtual void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::set_header_natural_position ( )
protectedpure virtual

◆ set_header_position_offset()

static void ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::set_header_position_offset ( samplecnt_t  offset)

◆ set_state()

int ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::set_state ( const XMLNode ,
int  version 

Implements PBD::Stateful.

◆ setup_peakfile()

int ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::setup_peakfile ( )

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioSource.

◆ update_header()

virtual int ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::update_header ( samplepos_t  when,
struct tm &  ,
pure virtual

Member Data Documentation

◆ bwf_country_code

char ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::bwf_country_code[3]

Definition at line 109 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ bwf_organization_code

char ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::bwf_organization_code[4]

Definition at line 110 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ bwf_serial_number

char ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::bwf_serial_number[13]

Definition at line 111 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ header_position_offset

samplecnt_t ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::header_position_offset

Kept up to date with the position of the session location start

Definition at line 114 of file audiofilesource.h.

◆ HeaderPositionOffsetChanged

PBD::Signal<void()> ARDOUR::AudioFileSource::HeaderPositionOffsetChanged

Definition at line 81 of file audiofilesource.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: