Support Ardour Development With A Subscription

Subscribing to Ardour means making a small monthly payment that helps to support the continued development of the program. It does not affect your "ownership" of the software, the way that some other "subscription-based" systems do.

A subscription gives you unlimited updates while you remain a subscriber.

Our subscriptions are managed by PayPal. If this is a problem for you, or you wonder why we use PayPal, or have other questions about subscriptions, read this.

Your monthly payment will be retried once if it fails. Visit PayPal to manage your subscription, cancel or renew it, etc.

Join 5190 Ardour Subscribers

providing $12,653.00 / month


Low Cost

Developing World


Choose an option above. Thanks very much for your interest and support.

Why Subscribe?

Ardour isn't a proprietary product and doesn't make any revenue through conventional sales of the program. However, programs like this don't develop through a magical process - people actually have to work on them in order for new features to be added, bugs to be fixed and so forth. While many Ardour developers squeeze in their contributions to the program during various kinds of spare time, the program's lead developer has tried to make it a full time effort.

In addition, it would be wonderful to:

  • Speed up development by making it possible for other developers to work more consistently on the program
  • Occasionally purchase equipment needed for development
  • Pay people to write documentation
  • Support Ardour developer and user meetings

So, Ardour requires financial support. You, the user, are the best source of that support because we want Ardour to reflect what its users need and want. Lets be clear: you are under no obligation to pay for Ardour. You are welcome to copy it, give copies to your friends, and modify it if you or someone you know can. But ... if you do download or copy it, and you find it useful, then please consider subscribing thus ensuring that the developers can keep working on it in a focused and productive manner. A 1 year subscription to Ardour will likely span 2 major releases and will cost you US$120. Comparable proprietary DAWs cost between US$300 and US$1500, typically plus update fees.